What kind of stuff can you find here?

  • Quality deals. I am not going to promise that I will find you every last deal out there. I will promise to do my best to find a great cross-section of grocery deals, online deals, coupons on restaurants, freebies, and more.
  • Frugal living. I believe frugality is making the most of your money, time, and resources. That’s why I also like to share posts on freezer cooking, DIY, and gardening.
  • Seasonal deals. A big part of saving money is knowing what to buy, and when. Helping you find deals for the better part of a decade means I’ve been able to identify savings trends. You can look for me to report on school supply deals in the summer, turkey prices in November, and ham deals just before Easter. It’s also worth mentioning that we ramp up our hours as the holiday shopping season peaks, as we find store and online deals ramp up during this time, too.
  • Travel and Disney posts. In the past few years, there has been growing interest in my travel and Disney posts. These posts work to give you tips and tricks for saving money to maximize your time.

Plus, lots more. Since this blog’s inception in February 2009, I’ve published over 12,000 posts. That’s a lot of content! You can expect new content to the blog, Monday through Friday. We sometimes post on weekends, but most weekends, we take off to spend with our families.